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New positive control peptide pool: CEFRAS Global (CD8), human

Published: January 21, 2025

Updated: February 26, 2025

Proper positive controls are the key to success in any immunoassay. Peptide pools combining several common antigens that should elicit T cell responses in the general population have served as positive controls for years. Recently, we’ve seen that popular peptide pool controls work great in certain populations but not at all in others. That’s why we set out to create a new positive control peptide pool that would work in a larger range of populations with diverse ethnic backgrounds. Introducing PepPool: CEFRAS Global (CD8), human

This pool sets a whole new standard for performance and coverage in ELISpot, FluoroSpot, and flow cytometry experiments. Consisting of 210 carefully selected MHC class-I restricted T cell epitopes derived from 18 different pathogens, the CEFRAS Global (CD8) pool has been designed for effective T cell stimulation across a broader range of HLA types and ethnic backgrounds. 


PepPool: CEFRAS (CD8), human design
PathogenNo. peptidesPathogenNo. peptides
SARS-CoV-236Vaccinia virus7
Human herpesvirus 4 (EBV)30Yellow fever6
Influenza A25Toxoplasma gondii4
Human herpesvirus 5 (CMV)24Human herpesvirus 2 (HSV-2)3
Human adenovirus (Ad5)18Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV6)3
Human herpesvirus 1 (HSV-1)18Human papilloma virus (HPV 16 L1)3
Human herpesvirus (VZV)10JC polyomavirus2
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)10Coxackievirus B41
Mycobacterium tuberculosis9Measles virus1

The PepPool CEFRAS global (CD8), human consists of antigenic epitopes from a number of pathogens that we are commonly exposed to or vaccinated against. Our analyses have shown that this pool delivers higher responses in a greater number of donors compared to other popular control pools. This superior performance stems from our meticulous selection process, which ensures a comprehensive representation of antigens and pathogens. The pool consists of epitopes from Coxsackievirus B4, Human adenovirus 5, Human herpesvirus 1-6, Human papillomavirus, Influenza A, JC polyomavirus, Measles virus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Respiratory syncytial virus, SARS-CoV-2, Toxoplasma gondii, Vaccinia virus, and Yellow fever virus. The pool not only covers a wide spectrum of infectious agents but also enables researchers to generate consistent and reliable results, even when working with diverse donor samples.

Arrangement of viruses included in the new peptide pool

We designed this pool with quality in mind. We don’t launch a pool until we are 100% satisfied with its functionality and ensure it works with real samples. Take this ICS experiment for example. We stimulated human PBMCs with the CEFRAS pool and measured the resulting production of IFN-γ and TNF-α. The results were consistent across the board showing significant increases in production of these analytes after stimulation with the new pool.

FACS plots of CD8 T cell and IFNg or TNF production

Human PBMCs were stimulated with the CEFRAS (CD8) peptide pool (2 μg/ml) for 12 hours in the presence of Brefeldin A. Cells were stained for viability using ViaDye Red, followed by surface marker staining: CD14, CD19, CD56, CD3, CD4, CD8, CCR7, CD45RA, and CX3CR1. After fixation and permeabilization with 4% paraformaldehyde and saponin, intracellular cytokines (IFN-ү and TNF-ɑ were stained. Flow cytometry was performed on a Cytek Northern Lights (Violet, Blue, Red lasers). 


Our benchmarking studies highlight the significant edge this peptide pool holds over other peptide pool suppliers as well. When tested against Company A’s positive control peptide pool, our new pool consistently achieved stronger T cell responses in both high and medium-low responders. For example, in the IFN-γ ELISpot assays, our CEFRAS pool produced substantially higher spot-forming units (SFUs) across all donor categories. Similarly, in FluoroSpot assays, the frequency of cytokine-secreting cells stimulated by our pool outperformed competing products. This higher sensitivity and broader applicability make our pool a dependable choice for researchers striving for accurate, reproducible results.

Wells showing IFNg response after CEFRAS stimulation
18 donors stimulated with CEFRAS and competitor peptide pools
FluoroSpot wells from CEFRAS pool stimulation
FluoroSpot data comparing CEFRAS and competitor pools

Our CEFRAS peptide pool is designed to deliver reliable stimulation across a broad range of HLA types and samples from diverse ethnic backgrounds. This global reach empowers researchers to confidently design experiments that reflect real-world scenarios, bridging the gap between preclinical research and clinical applications. In addition to its technical benefits, the CEFRAS (CD8) pool simplifies the workflow for immunoassay experiments. With high-quality synthesis and rigorous validation, the pool reduces variability and saves valuable time in assay setup. For researchers seeking the highest level of confidence in their data, this pool is the ideal solution.

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