TB screening in rhinos using our equine(!) ELISA kit
Published: May 16, 2019
Updated: October 19, 2024
Michele Miller, Sven Parsons and their co-workers at Stellenbosch University have in a series of papers demonstrated that our ELISA Flex: equine IFN-γ is the optimal system for measuring endogenous IFN-γ in white as well as black rhinoceros. IFN-gamma has previously been shown to be an important biomarker for Mycobacterium bovis infection in cattle, and the same pathogen causes tuberculosis in rhinos. However, robust and sensitive immunoassays detecting rhinoceros IFN-gamma have been missing.
By screening commercially available ELISA kits, Mabtech’s equine IFN-γ ELISA showed the highest sensitivity. The ELISA revealed good IFN-γ recovery as well as high reproducibility, even when performed at 37⁰C, enabling analysis of IFN-gamma also in labs where climate control is suboptimal.
Update 2023-11-23
Read the interview with Michele Miller and Sven Parsons at Springer/Nature:
- Chileshe et al., A commercial ELISA for detection of interferon gamma in white rhinoceros. J Vet Diagn Invest. 2019
- Chilese et al, An interferon-gamma release assay for the diagnosis of the Mycobacterium bovis infection in white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum), Vet Immunol Immunpathol. 2019
- Chilese et al., Cytokine biomarker discovery in the white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum), Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 2020
- Smith et al., Cell-Mediated Immunological Biomarkers and Their Diagnostic Application in Livestock and Wildlife Infected With Mycobacterium bovis, Front Immunol. 2021
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